Today's options for cosmetic treatments seem to be unlimited. From hair extensions to skin renewals, there is a procedure to improve almost any part of the body. This is also true with cosmetic dentistry, a specialty branch of dentistry practiced by Dr. John Chu and Dr. Mary Lin in South Pasadena, California. This blog entry lists just a few of the imperfections that cosmetic dentistry can repair.Discolored

Crooked teeth

A beautiful, straight smile makes a fantastic first impression. However, those whose teeth have uneven spaces, overlaps and rotation tend to hide their smile. However, your South Pasadena cosmetic dentist is skilled in a variety of treatments designed to even out your teeth. Porcelain veneers can fill in small gaps, while orthodontic treatments like Invisalign make straightening teeth an easy, comfortable and practically invisible experience.

Discolored teeth

Teeth whitening is the most popular cosmetic dental procedure in the United States today; it is inexpensive, quick and painless. Although there are over-the-counter kits available, the in-office treatments done at your South Pasadena cosmetic dentist's office produce immediate results in less than an hour. Some health conditions are resistant to whitening treatments; in these cases. Dr. Chu and Dr. Lin suggest veneers that are crafted to cover your existing teeth with sections of natural-looking and stain-resistant porcelain.

Missing teeth

Replacing missing teeth doesn't just improve your appearance; it also helps improve your dental health. Dental implants help to fill in gaps from lost teeth seamlessly by attaching a synthetic tooth to a titanium post that is surgically placed under your gum line. Filling in your smile with dental implants from your South Pasadena cosmetic dentist gives you a healthy, stable smile you will be proud to show off.

If you have further questions about cosmetic dentistry, the staff at Dr. John Chu and Dr. Mary Lin's cosmetic dentistry practice in South Pasadena, California can answer them for you. Give us a call today to set up an appointment!